Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Don't Ya Hate It When...

Irritating little things you never thought would matter.

So I came up with this idea when I was doing the dishes. (No it doesn't have to do with chores. I promise it won't be boring. Don't you trust me?) My dad told me to tell him when his toast was finished, and I thought to myself, Don't ya hate it when no one tells you your toast is done and then you discover it an hour later and its cold. GRRRR that drives me INSANE! Also look out for MPPP, (My Personal Pet Peeves) So here it is. Don't ya hate it when:

Don't Ya Hate It When:

You find that the last person who used the restroom DIDN'T FLUSH THE TOILET!
You sneek a sugary treat from the kitchen, someone walks in... catches you with mouth stuffed... OOPS!
MPPP: Someone leaves dishes on counter... you knocks plate off... food flies everywhere onto floor. X-(
Someone puts their plate in the sink... doesn't rince off... plate is practically  filled with a whole meal... WHAT THE HECK PEOPLE???!!!

Sooo... it's not that many... so sorry.* Comment if you have any more. I would be grateful** if you did.

*Hehe... not really.
*Grateful... hmm thats a latin derivative. from gratia, gratiae. 
   lalala... hehe I'm a geek. Sry.