Thursday, April 23, 2015

Better Than a Boyfriend

So yeah, you're probably looking at the title and thinking: what the heck? But don't worry. This is going to be a great cry your eyes out post. This is about my little brother J-man He's not actually called J-man, but that's what I'm gonna call him right now. So J-man is my baby bro. He is the best, and most ADORABLE  thing you will ever see. Sure at times he can be so whiny and loud, and sure, he won't give me gifts like a boyfriend might. He will, however, give me hugs. The best parts are times when he gives me one of his favorite books* and yells "BABEESH" (Which I can only assume means "babies") and crawls into my lap and interacts with what I'm reading. Other good times are when he learns something new that I of course taught him, like winking with both eyes (Because he can't shut just one) or pointing to his nose or belly button on cue. Sure it's not that romantic but I just know J-man will stay with me forever and will always be my brother, and I will always love him because he is my little brother. (This is the part where you go: *Sniff sniff* "That's so sweet!")

*The book is titled "Babies"

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you! This blogpost is terrific. Also, you used the correct "than" in the title. Happy homeschool mom moment!
